ID1920x260 Conservation Rain Barrel
IM768x260 Conservation Rain Barrel

Water Conservation

youth-education-image-linkIn the United States, access to clean, safe drinking water is something we largely take for granted. Yet water scarcity is affecting many parts of the country, while demand continues to increase. This is leading to water stress, which you can learn more about on our Environment and News pages.

Water stress makes water conservation at home more important than ever, because the adage “every drop counts”, really is true when millions of our neighbors are experiencing the same thing.

What Can I Do?

All of us can make wise water choices to conserve water (and save money) every day. And once these become habit, they require very little thought or effort. The tips below are a start, and the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) WaterSense website has plenty more.

Additionally, periodically checking your home plumbing system for leaks will ensure you’re not simply wasting water. This can potentially save you hundreds of dollars on your annual water bill.

How Does My Household Compare?

Knowing how your water use compares to average consumption is a first step to conserving water and making improvements.

How Much Water Do We Use?

According to the Water Research Foundation, the average American family home uses about 300 gallons of water per day. Roughly 70% of that is indoors and 30% outdoors. Naturally, outdoor use varies greatly by region and type of home.

How Do I Measure My Consumption?

The most accurate way to understand your water consumption is by looking at the consumption tables on your water bill or My Utility Account. These will help you track monthly use and compare it to previous periods. Has your water use been increasing? Is this something you can explain, or have household habits changed? Or perhaps you have a leak. There's an easy way to test for leaks in your system using your Water Meter.

Water Smart - Illustrated Tree Green - Pictogram
Using Less Water Outdoors

Check for Leaks

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Outside spigots, hoses, and irrigation systems should be checked regularly for leaks.


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Water lawns only when needed, in the early morning hours, and not on windy days.


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Set lawn mower blades higher, as longer grass means less evaporation.


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Weed lawns and gardens regularly as weeds compete with other plants for water.

Efficient Watering

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Water as close to plant roots as possible, and use mulch around trees and plants.

Go Native

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Choose native plants or those well-adapted to your climate zone.

Old Tech

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Collect water in a rain barrel for use on indoor and outdoor plants.

Swimming Pools

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Cover swimming pools when not in use.

Car Washing

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Wash cars with a bucket and sponge instead of a hose.

Sweeping Up

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Use a broom, rather than a hose, to clean sidewalks and driveways.

Water Smart - Illustrated House Green - Pictogram
Using Less Water Indoors

Check for Leaks

Water Smart - Running Tap - Pictogram

Repair dripping faucets and leaky toilets, and replace old fixtures with low-use models.

Shower Habits

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Taking even slightly shorter showers can result in big savings over time.

Save it Up

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Only run dishwashers and washing machines when they’re full.

Kitchen Clean-up

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If washing dishes by hand, use two basins rather than letting the water run.


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Defrost frozen food in the refrigerator or microwave instead of running water.

The 3Ps of Flushing

Water Smart - 3Ps of Flushing Toilet - Pictogram

Never use the toilet as a wastebasket. Remember the 3Ps: Pee, Poo, and Paper (toilet paper that is).