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SWFWMD Approves a Water Shortage Order

Due to dry conditions from a lack of rainfall, The Southwest Florida Water Management District is encouraging everyone to conserve water and follow watering guidelines.  The Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) voted November 14, 2023, to approve a modified Phase I Water Shortage Order through July 1, 2024.

Linked here are the SWFWMD irrigation rules. That means irrigation with potable, well or surface water is limited to once per week, year-round. Irrigation with reclaimed water is allowed up to twice per week, though we encourage reclaimed water customers to reduce their water use and water only once a week. Please refer to local restrictions for more guidance.

Helpful tips on efficient landscape irrigation include:

  • Know your watering day by visiting the SWFWMD website.
  • Stick to your watering schedule. Turf becomes drought tolerant. More is not better.
  • Ensure your irrigation system is operating properly and efficiently.
  • Water only during the allowable timeframe. It helps minimize water loss from evaporation.
  • Check for and repair household leaks.

Visit for more information on what you can do.