1. When was this rate case filed? Does it impact all Corix Utilities customers?
On 01/31/2024, Corix Texas filed a rate case with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) under Docket No. 56149.
Mitchell County gas system customers are NOT part of this filing.
2. My rates increased in 2023. Why are they changing again? How do you determine what rates to charge?
Customers’ rates are based on a thorough analysis of cost, operations, and quality of service review by the TX PUC Staff as well as the Office of Public Utility Counsel (OPUC). The Company’s current rates were set based on expense and infrastructure investment levels as of March 31, 2022.
The new rate case (Docket No. 56419) seeks to establish rates based on expense and infrastructure levels as of June 30, 2023.
3. What is involved in the process to review and approve the Company’s rate change request?
Rate change requests follow a statutory process very similar to a court proceeding. All requests for rate changes are audited by PUC and OPUC, which is completed through an extensive vetting of Company operating and financial data. These parties then provide their recommendations on the Company’s request to the Commission.
The Commission holds public hearings where customers can enter comments into the record, and evidentiary hearings are held where Company and intervening party staff are cross-examined on the information supplied during the case. Hearing dates can be found on PUC’s website.
4. How are my sewer and water rates changing?
The table below shows a comparison of average water and sewer bills at current and proposed rates for a 5/8” residential customer assuming 5,000 gallons of usage.

5. How can I protest the proposed rate change?
If you wish to PROTEST the proposed rate change, you must complete the PUC Doc No 56149 Rate Payer Protest Form (linked here) and file it electronically using the PUC Interchange Filer at http://www.puc.texas.gov/industry/filings/E-FilingInstructions.pdf or mail the original to:
Filing Clerk Public Utility Commission of Texas
1701 North Congress Avenue
P.O. Box 13326
Austin, Texas 78711-3326
6. What has driven Corix to request a higher rate and more money from customers?
- We have the responsibility to upgrade our infrastructure and make necessary improvements to continue to provide quality service. We also must comply with changing state and federal environmental regulations and maintain a safe working environment for our employees.
- It is well-accepted that water and sewer infrastructure across the country is aging and in need of significant investment to maintain proper service and address ongoing and emerging environmental concerns. Many of the Company’s systems are reaching the end of their useful life and must be replaced, rehabilitated, or upgraded to avoid system failures and meet rigorous compliance standards.
- To that end, Corix has invested $19.4 million in capital improvements since its last rate case, which is not included in your current rates.
- Operating expenses have also increased due to inflationary pressures. Existing rates are based on March 31, 2022 expenses whereas proposed rates are based on June 30, 2023 expenses. Additionally, real property taxes have increased due to assessment increases driven by land values.
- Our ability to ensure safe and reliable water and wastewater service to both commercial customers as well as to our individual household customers must be maintained. Everyone depends on us for all forms of sanitary practices that are so critical right now.
7. I would like more information. Where can I get additional details about the costs of service and tariff rate proposals?
More information about costs and tariff rate proposals is publicly available through the Texas Utility Commission’s website (https://www.puc.texas.gov/).
Anyone interested in this matter may obtain information either directly from Corix or by inquiring with the PUC at # (512) 936-7000. Customers may also visit the Commission’s website and search Docket “56419” at https://interchange.puc.texas.gov/
8. Can you tell me more about the infrastructure investments Corix has made recently?
Since the Corix’s last rate case, approximately $19.4 million has been invested to improve and upgrade Corix’s water and sewer infrastructure. These investments have allowed the Company to continue providing safe and reliable service to its customers. Below is a list of major infrastructure investments made since the last rate case. Note this is not a complete list of improvements, as many smaller investments were made across the Company’s water and sewer systems.
- Replacement of failing meters with AMI meters to help track line loss and improve customer service and efficiencies.
- Purchase of backup stationary and portable generators in multiple systems as a requirement of Senate Bill 3 in response to winter storm URI.
- Replace fleet vehicles at the end of their usefulness.
- Replace clearwell storage and add THM stripping equipment to reduce THM in water as part of compliance agreement with TCEQ.
- Replace pipelines required by TXDOT as part of road improvement project and replacing pipelines where multiple breaks have occurred.
- Purchase of raw water assets from LCRA to eliminate lease payment to LCRA
- Development of additional wells and improving pump stations as required by compliance agreement with TCEQ.
- Replacing significant sections of pipeline and increasing pipeline capacities as required by compliance agreement with TCEQ.
- Improvements to treatment plant and irrigation equipment improvements to maintain compliance with TCEQ requirements.
- Replace sections of failing pipe, replace main lift station and repair multiple manholes in collection system.
- Increase capacity of dosing fields as wastewater plant to maintain compliance with capacity requirements of TCEQ.
9. Will the current purchased water and rate case surcharges continue?
Yes. Purchased water and rate case expense surcharges will continue to appear on bills as they have been.
Current surcharges on the bill may include:
1. Purchased water passthrough surcharge – previously these costs for our raw water were recovered via base rates and are now being recovered via surcharges, per direction from PUC Staff.
2. Rate Case surcharge – these costs are necessary to recovery the expenses associated with rate case filings. The current surcharge will last for three years. The current rate case will yield an additional surcharge, which is unknown at present.
The rate case surcharge may be updated after this case.
The purchased water surcharge is not proposed to be impacted by this filing.
10. If the new rates are approved, when will they go into effect?
The Company expects that new rates may be approved and in effect by late 2024 or early 2025.
11. Are there any options available for customers who are struggling to manage their bills?
Customers can establish a deferred payment arrangement or payment plan if they may not be able to stay current on their water and sewer bills.
- A payment plan is an agreement with a customer to make a specified payment by a specified date. For example, a customer may agree to pay a balance ten days beyond the bill’s due date.
- A deferred payment arrangement is an agreement with a customer to pay off their balance in combination with future bills, in which installments are reflected on monthly customer bills.
Corix encourages customers to establish payment plans or payment arrangements that best meets their needs. No customer on a payment arrangement or plan who is current on that arrangement will be disconnected.
Customers can call the Company’s Customer Experience team at 877-718-4396 or use our My Utility Account portal and mobile app to set up a payment arrangement or plan.