For Community Utilities of Pennsylvania Inc. Rate Increase Requests Water and Wastewater
Docket No. R-2023-3042804
Docket No. R-2023-3042805
The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has scheduled six public input hearings to receive public testimony on Community Utilities of Pennsylvania Inc.’s request to increase its water rates by $1.5 million per year or 62.2% and increase its wastewater rates by $1.8 million per year or 50.9%. Hearings are being held both by telephone and in person at the dates and times indicated below. At a hearing, you will have the opportunity to present your views to the judges hearing the case and to company representatives and parties. The testimony given during the telephonic hearings has the same force and effect as if this hearing were held in person. All testimony given under oath becomes part of the official rate case record.
Registering for the Hearing: If you do not register in advance, you may not be able to testify. To register, please contact the Office of Consumer Advocate by emailing or calling 1-800-684-6560. If you do not wish to testify, but want to listen to the public input hearings, you do not need to register. Instead, you may attend the in-person hearing or call in to the hearing number.
When registering, please provide your first and last name, that you wish to testify in the Community Utilities of Pennsylvania base rate case, the date and time of the public hearing where you want to testify, a phone number and email address (if you have one) where you can be reached prior to the hearing, and, if you require an interpreter to participate in the hearing, the language of the interpreter. If you are registering for a telephonic public input hearing, please also provide the phone number you will be using to call into the hearing.
If you have any questions about participating in or listening to the public input hearings, please do not hesitate to contact the OCA by phone at 1-800-684-6560 or by e-mail at
If you wish to refer to any documents during your testimony at the public input hearing for the Commission’s consideration, you must provide the Office of Consumer Advocate with copies of your documents by Noon the day prior to the hearing. Please call the OCA at 1-800-684-6560 or email your documents to to arrange for submission of documents.
The hearings are scheduled as follows:
January 30, 2024 (In Person)
1:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M.
Registration deadline: Noon on January 29, 2024.
Nancy Run Fire Company Social Hall
3564 Easton Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18020
January 31, 2024 (Telephonic)
1:00 P.M.
Registration deadline: Noon on January 30, 2024.
To participate in the telephonic hearing,
- You must dial the number listed below
- You must enter a PIN number when instructed to do so, also listed below
Dial In: 1 689-206-0450
Meeting ID: 211 239 211#
January 31, 2024 (Telephonic)
6:00 PM
Registration deadline: Noon on January 30, 2024.
To participate in the telephonic hearing,
- You must dial the number listed below
- You must enter a PIN number when instructed to do so, also listed below
Dial In: 1 689-206-0450
Meeting ID: 195 307 726#
February 1, 2024 (In Person)
1:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M.
Registration deadline: Noon on January 31, 2024.
The Glen at Tamiment Community Center
314 Underhill Drive
Tamiment, PA 18371